

The 100 Best Ways to Stop Aging and Stay Young Scientifically


There is plenty of hype and hoax when it comes to anti-aging and longevity remedies. The tips offers safe, credible, effective strategies backed up by scientific research. You'll find 100 simple, action-oriented nutritional, exercise, and lifestyle tips that address all aspects of aging from wrinkles, fatigue, and slowing metabolism to strategies for keeping brain, bones, and heart healthy and strong. Most methods take 10 minutes or less.

1. Use Hyaluronic Acid to Fight Age-Related Wrinkles

2. Shield Yourself from the Aging Effects of the Sun

3. Eat Omega-3s for Younger-Looking Skin

4. Use Psychodermatology to Keep Older Skin Supple

5. Stop Squinting to Preserve Firmness

6. Use More than Moisturizer to Heal Mature Skin

7. Repair Aging Skin at Night

8. Use Treatments at Home to Take Years Off

9. Supercharge Your Smile to Look Younger

10. Age-Proof Your Hair

11. See a Dermatologist to Reduce Signs of Aging

12. Rely on Math, Not a Magic Pill, to Keep a Youthful Figure

13. Follow a Mediterranean Diet to Lose Weight and Live Longer

14. Practice Portion Control to Offset an Aging Metabolism

15. Feast on Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Fight Middle-Age Spread

16. Eat Frequently to Stop Age-Related Weight Gain

17. Sip Selectively to Stay Slim and Trim for a Lifetime

18. Escape the Stress-Fat Cycle for a More Youthful Waistline

19. Lose Weight by Addressing Age-Related Sleep Changes

20. Get Your Heart Pumping to Rev Up Midlife Metabolism

21. Weight Train to Reverse Muscle Loss As You Get Older

22. Be Active in Your Free Time to Fight Metabolism Slowdown

23. Focus on Flexibility and Core Work to Maintain Balance As You Age

24. Tools and Tips for a Younger Metabolism

25. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet to Keep Your Brain Young

26. Eat ″Superfoods″ to Stay Sharp As You Age

27. Exercise to Keep Your Brain Fit for Life

28. Keep Chronic Illness at Bay to Boost Brain Health

29. Set Up a Strong Social Support System to Prevent Cognitive Decline

30. Defeat Depression and Stress to Minimize Brain Aging

31. Increase Your Mental Focus with Mind-Body Techniques

32. Snooze Your Way to a Younger Brain

33. Stimulate Your Brain to Improve Cognition As You Get Older

34. Avoid These Brain Agers

35. Clean Up Your Environment to Slow Brain Aging

36. Use Supplements and Drugs to Keep Your Brain Healthy for a Lifetime

37. Assess Your Osteoporosis Risk Going Forward

38. Step Up Your Strength Training to Reverse Age-Related Bone Loss

39. Add Weight-Bearing Aerobic Exercise to Keep Bones and Joints Young

40. Improve Your Flexibility and Stability to Stay Limber

41. Maintain a Healthy Weight to Reduce Joint Stress and Protect Your Bones

42. Eat Right to Sustain Your Midlife Frame

43. Go Beyond Dairy for Bone-Building Calcium and Vitamin D

44. Heed These Diet Don’ts for Healthy Bones and Joints for Life

45. Preserve Cartilage with Glucosamine and Chondroitin

46. Try Natural Remedies to Strengthen Older Joints

47. Reduce Midlife Joint Pain with Alternative Therapies

48. Discuss Osteoporosis and Arthritis Drug Side Effects with Your Doctor

49. Request New Tests to Determine Age-Related Risk Factors

50. Exercise Regularly to Keep Your Heart Young

51. Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally

52. Control Your Blood Pressure without Drugs

53. Watch Your Waistline to Protect Your Heart for Life

54. Get the Nutrients You Need to Stave Off Heart Disease

55. Dodge Diabetes As You Age by Decreasing Sneaky Sugars

56. Tame Stress and Anger to Take Years off Your Ticker

57. Become a Volunteer and Live Longer

58. Use Supplements to Strengthen Your Cardiovascular System

59. Combat the Aging Side Effects of Heart Medicines

60. Let Go of a Grudge for a Younger Immune System

61. Use Mind-Body Techniques to Stop Aging Stress

62. Listen to Music to Restore Fading Immune Function

63. Don’t Skimp on Sleep As You Get Older

64. Use the Power of Touch for Lifelong Immunity

65. Look on the Bright Side to Reduce Immune System Decline

66. Exercise in Moderation to Maintain Immunity As You Age

67. Supercharge Your Diet with Immune-Boosting Foods

68. Take Herbs That Support an Aging Immune System

69. Improve Your Air Quality to Avoid Aging Your Immune System

70. Avoid the Sniffles to Keep Your Immune System Strong for Life

71. Shun the Sun to Preserve a Youthful Immune System

72. Address Underlying Health Issues for a Longer Love Life

73. Check Medication Side Effects That Age You Sexually

74. Increase Your Sexual Confidence As You Age

75. Practice Mindfulness to Renew Romance in Midlife

76. Exercise to Reverse Age-Related Sexual Problems

77. Lift Weights to Boost Fading Testosterone

78. Enlist All Your Senses to Restore Youthful Desire

79. Dial Back Stress to Rev Up Your Love Life

80. Invest in Nonsexual Intimacy to Extend Your Sex Life

81. Discuss Shifting Needs and Desires to Increase Satisfaction As You Get Older

82. Try New Techniques to Refresh a Stale Sex Life or Adapt to Physical Changes

83. Take Herbs and Supplements to Restore a Sexual Spark

84. Wake Up Refreshed for Lifelong Vitality

85. Don’t Let Stress Slow You Down As You Get Older

86. Get Moving to Counteract Age-Related Fatigue

87. No More Naps! Eat to Sustain All-Day Energy

88. Perk Up with Safe Supplements That Restore Youthful Energy

89. Break Out of a Rut to Reignite Your Zest for Life

90. Restore Flagging Energy by Finding New Purpose

91. Boost Energy and Feel Younger with Aromatherapy

92. Bolster Your Social Support to Reverse Declining Energy Levels

93. Don’t Smoke to Live Longer, Better

94. Conquer Couch Potato Syndrome to Stay Fit for Life

95. Don’t Let Your BMI Creep Too High in Midlife

96. Avoid the Typical American Diet to Keep Your Body Young

97. Steer Clear of Chronic Stress to Prevent Premature Aging

98. Don’t Forget to Floss to Preserve Your Health

99. Don’t Let Your Genes Shorten Your Life

100. Don’t Go It Alone As You Age

Want to learn HOW to stop aging in details? Get it NOW at The 100 Best Ways to Stop Aging and Stay Young Scientifically.


Julia Maranan. The 100 Best Ways to Stop Aging and Stay Young: Scientifically Proven Strategies for Taking Years Off Your Body. Fair Winds Press; 1 edition (January 1, 2011). ISBN-10: 1592334490