

How to Easily Use Google Music Outside the United States and Download 20,000 Free Songs without Credit Card

I tried Google Music recently and I was blown away by how easy it is to use. If you're already using iTunes, Google Music will sync your library to your online account without you having to do anything.

Android users no longer have to worry about taking up space on their phone with their songs. Instead, you can stream your entire library. If you aren't connected, your most recent songs are cached on the phone so you can listen offline. Google Music top features are:

  • Any music that isn't copyright protected (DRM) can be uploaded to the Google Music cloud.  This means that rare LPs you have imported, and other improperly titled files, can be uploaded and streamed to your device.
  • Google Music provides a backup for your unique or rare music titles.
On the other hand, a lot of people saying/complaining they can't use Google Music because they are outside the United States. Many workarounds exist that help users access the services even if they are currently residing in a different country.  One option that I will be explained here is to use Tor bundle. I have chosen Tor because it free and reliable. We will configure Tor the way that the exit node lies in U.S.

You can use Google Music to store your songs but also to download the thousand of free songs available even you don’t have credit card or you don’t want to use your existing credit card. Here are the easy steps I used to access the Google Music service outside the U.S. and downloaded all the free songs I want.

Step 1. First changed your IP address by using proxy servers. I did not use online web based proxies.

I watched from Fox News before that they maintain logs and they can surrender these logs to FBI if compelled to do so.  A guy was caught regarding a criminal activity because of this. Also, online web proxies like don’t work properly and this message appears when you use it:

Browser's cookie functionality turned off

Instead you can use Tor and you can download it here, .

Step 2. After "Start Tor Browser.exe". Give it a few seconds while it properly connects to available proxies. The Vidalia control panel should start and get connected to the network. Watch for the onion icon in the UI to turn green and for an integrated browser to start. Close the Firefox browser (Aurora version) for now as we won't need it until a little later on.

Step 3. We need to select a U.S. node – see the little map icon? Find one with an American flag that's close to the top of the list, right click on it and choose copy --> fingerprint and then edit Tor's configuration file.

From the main window, hit the "View the Network" button and a new window should open with a map of the world with a list of nodes on the left side. You are going to see all the relays with their flags (countries).

Step 4. Exit out of the Network Map window and back to the Vidalia Control panel. Next step is to take the fingerprint we so carefully copied and edit the configuration file to force Tor to only use this node. Click settings, and then hit the advanced tab. In the middle of this tab you should see a button to edit the torrc file, click that and you'll be presented with a text editor that sets up some of Tor's behaviors.

Step 5. Put your cursor down at the very top of the file and add the following replacing XXX in our example with the fingerprint you just finished grabbing:

ExitNodes XXX
StrictExitNodes 1

Step 6. When done, your changes should look like the image below and if it does, now's the time to push the OK button to save your work. Once back at the configuration window, we'll need to exit Tor and then restart it with our fix applied.

Step 7. Once Tor has restarted, the integrated browser will eventually open confirming you're using Tor. Go to to check where it has connected using the Tor browser. Make it sure it is connected to a U.S.-based IP address.

Now we can login to using this inbuilt browser. You may get redirected to a Google notice page asking for confirmation that you're really you, as you're logging in from a new location, but no sweat, this is a good sign so answer the question and proceed.  Sign in with your regular account or existing Gmail account. Click on to Accept Terms and Service and acknowledge that you are going to a secure site (or something to that nature). You may get a few errors after you sign in since the browser limits a lot of executions from websites.

Step 8. After you've accepted the terms, don’t close the Tor browser. On Google Music page, the Tor browser might ask you to Install Adobe Flash. You don’t need to install it.

Step 9. After this, you should be redirected straight to the Google Music desktop where there will be a link to get the music upload client. All that remains to be done on your desktop is to install the upload tool or Music Manager Installer. Enter your account details on the music manager and upload some of your music files. Once it's done uploading, click on "Home" under My Library. Your songs should be there.

Step 10. Now open a regular browser like Internet Explorer and login to Google Music to check your account.

Step 11. Install the Google Music Android client on your phone or tablet and finally associate it with your account. You can now listen to your music on anywhere, no matter if online or if you are not connected. Download it here: ( Click for the QR Code ), 4.78 MB or here, .

Step 12. Now to download the free songs. Go back to TOR browser. I assume you are still login to your Google Music account. Click MORE and then FREE SONGS. You will be directed to the Android Market. Then select a song that is labeled as free.

Step 13. It will ask for credit card and other details. Add new payment method. If you want you can put in your own credit card details. If not, you can use these numbers.

Visa: 4544182174537267
Master Card: 5460506048039935

These credit card numbers are not real. It is not stolen or linked to any person. The credit card numbers will past any pre-validation and are declined at the card processor or bank stage. These numbers are used to test credit card checkout payment systems on online stores. It will not work if you try to buy any product. They are random numbers that happen to conform to the MOD 10 algorithm. They are a technical resource for programmers - that's all.

Looking for the security code? Just type in 3 random numbers and make sure the expiration date is greater than the current day or any expiry date within the next 3 years should work.

Step 14. Don’t change default the STATE. Search cities on that default U.S. State using then input the city and corresponding ZIP CODE you want.

Step 15. For that city you need to find a corresponding phone number. Search using Find a 10 digit phone number you want. Try not to use the city hall’s number. A hotel or a commercial establishment is preferable.

Step 16. Input all the details on the form and ENTER. You can now download free songs all you want.

Watch the video tutorial on how to use the Tor Bundle. How to easily use Google Music outside the United States and legally download up to 20,000 free songs without credit card. 

UPDATE: Alternative for Tor; you can use Hotspot Shield. You can download it here and install.

Using Hotspot shield, you can access and visit US-only restricted websites (Hulu, Pandora, Veoh, ABC, CW) from outside of United States or from anywhere.


Jck said...

Can you provide more info on exactly what to type when filling credit card details? thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi! Jck

You can use the card numbers below:

Visa: 4544182174537267
Master Card: 5460506048039935

For the security code, just type in 3 random numbers and make sure the expiration date is greater than the current day or any expiry date within the next 3 years should work.

Don't change the default U.S. State on the form.

Use your name you are using on your Google account.

Remember you cannot use the credit card for your online purchases. The credit card number provided is used for ecommerce cart testing only.

Joey said...

Mine doesn't work from step #13. Does this method still work???

Khawaja Qasim Irfan said...

it says INVALID CREDIT CARD. and doesn't go beyond this. HOW TO SOLVE THIS ISSUE?

Unknown said...

Hi,i have been using Google Music for a long time and i often go to other countries.Your post is very useful for me to solve my problem,thank you.

Labels: vbnet barcode Google Music Download Credit Card

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